The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

Write a convincing argument that will make others want to read this book. Be sure to include your initials.

 Peter, Susan Lucy, and Edmund embark on a mystical journey when Lucy enters
a strange but interesting warbrobe that takes her to the land of Narnia. In Narnia Lucy
meets a faun named Mr. Tumnus. He tells her about the White Witch a evil queen of
Narnia. When Lucy's brothers and sister don't believe her she reveals the land
of Narnia to them. When they explore the land,fight a fierce war, become Kings
and Queens, and learn that those adventures were only the beggining of their
adventures in Narnia!!!




Lucy takes an exciting adventure to a land away from lands, but her family won't believe her, atleast not until they entered through the wardrobe. They travel on a whil-wind adventure to save the land of Narnia from the evil White Witch. Do they succeed. Do they find their way back to our world or stay there forever. Does the great and good lion, Azlan die? Do the four siblings defete the evil? The book is the only source of the answers, so read to find out.


A Mystery in the Anonomous